Friday, December 2, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

 So forever ago I said that I was going to get into this blog. Well.. I didn't. :) But I have decided to blog more of the "projects" that I do daily! I am going to talk about cooking, cleaning, decorating, crafting, wood working, and being CHEAP!!  I hope that someone, somewhere out there, enjoys reading my mumbo jumbo! :)

Today I am going to post a tutorial on HOMEMADE "febreeze"!

(and this is where the fun begins because i really have NO idea how to blog! :) Oh well! Here we go!!!!)

Homemade Febreeze

All you need! Any fabric Softener, Baking Soda, a 32 oz spray bottle or old febreeze bottle (mine is only 28 oz. oh well), 1/8 cup measuring cup, 1 tbsp measuring spoon, and water!

Pour 1/8 cup of fabric softener into your bottle. I was funnel-less......

and of course, i spilled a little.  :)

Apparently I'm not the best at opening boxes either. :) or making sure that my camera is focusing correctly :p Add 2 Tbsp of baking soda to your bottle.

Using the best funnel in the world. :)

Take a deep breath. The really hard stuff is over! :p

Fill bottle with hot water. If it's not from a duck butt, it just wont work.

Shake and spray away!!!

geez. That was super hard huh?! :) Now you can stop spending $5 ish on one bottle of febreeze and pay around $2 for .. um....? no idea. Just guessing at least 20 bottles!!! It takes a total of 30 seconds to make, just go do it.  now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Here we go!

So, today is the day to start blogging! I basically have no idea what is going on yet, but I'll get there! My hopes for this blog are to use it to share my journeys in motherhood, marriage, and crafting! My life is busy, I try to do wayyy too much in too little time. So I am sure that my blog posts will be the same, scatter brained and confusing! Now I guess that I just need to figure everything out on here and dive in! :)