Friday, December 2, 2011

Frugal Friday!!

 So forever ago I said that I was going to get into this blog. Well.. I didn't. :) But I have decided to blog more of the "projects" that I do daily! I am going to talk about cooking, cleaning, decorating, crafting, wood working, and being CHEAP!!  I hope that someone, somewhere out there, enjoys reading my mumbo jumbo! :)

Today I am going to post a tutorial on HOMEMADE "febreeze"!

(and this is where the fun begins because i really have NO idea how to blog! :) Oh well! Here we go!!!!)

Homemade Febreeze

All you need! Any fabric Softener, Baking Soda, a 32 oz spray bottle or old febreeze bottle (mine is only 28 oz. oh well), 1/8 cup measuring cup, 1 tbsp measuring spoon, and water!

Pour 1/8 cup of fabric softener into your bottle. I was funnel-less......

and of course, i spilled a little.  :)

Apparently I'm not the best at opening boxes either. :) or making sure that my camera is focusing correctly :p Add 2 Tbsp of baking soda to your bottle.

Using the best funnel in the world. :)

Take a deep breath. The really hard stuff is over! :p

Fill bottle with hot water. If it's not from a duck butt, it just wont work.

Shake and spray away!!!

geez. That was super hard huh?! :) Now you can stop spending $5 ish on one bottle of febreeze and pay around $2 for .. um....? no idea. Just guessing at least 20 bottles!!! It takes a total of 30 seconds to make, just go do it.  now.